Finals Time...Again

Its that time of the program again to take a couple more finals. And let me tell you the G20 is totally cramping my style. The whole campus is on lock down. We are restricted to using one entrance and have to show photo-id, our key, and be checked off an approved roster before entering the building. Oh and have I mentioned I have yet to see a protestor. The city is dead, because all of the locals fled for the weekend. I could literally lay down in the middle of Bay street and not worry about getting ran over. The building that our finals are in is totally locked down and we have to arrive in time for the first final and can't leave until the last one is over. Its going to be a long day. However, I'm so excited to go to London that I'm running purely on adrenaline at this point. The next 48 hours is going to be crazy, fun, nerve-wrecking, and awesome all at the same time.
Promise to Keep you posted :)


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